Project #5: PBL Video and Classroom Polls

Hello everyone !!!!

The project consists in putting into practice a previous project. We have chosen the project number two, the digital storytelling. For this we have used the video that we elaborated about family diversity. In addition to viewing the video, we have realased several activities.

For the realization of this project we have the participation of three children: Alejandro, Mario and Jose antonio they have between 7 and 8 years.

Of the four activites we have done, the firts activity was the hardest because we had repeat the story several times to be understood.

For realized the other activities they hadn´t problems, althought we had to traslate them some words for what they understand the questions. They very participated and they wanted to do more activities.

The materials that we used are: the computer to see the story and the flascards of the characters in the story. 

The program that we have use for edit the video was Imovie. It has been easy the edition video since it's a program with which we work  a lot with it.

In conclusion, our expectations about this proyect were that the children would need more help to speak English, but they were participating at all times.
The impressions of the children were good since they said that they like the activities and wanted to do more.

There is our video📹, you can click there 👇

Then for evaluate our work, you can click there 👇 and do the questionnaire.
