In this class we started with the first project "Designing a poster". For that project we choose as topic the Child Obesity, we choose it because nowadays it's increasing the number of child with this eating disorder.
At first we make a brainstorming about all the ideas we want to translate to our poster, then we make an example of how it will be the poster.
Finally, with the programme Canvas we make the POSTER. 馃摪
The poster is about the obesity, we think that is very important treat it in infantile. In the poster we want to talk about the different factors that causes, the consequences, the responsibles, the junk food, the healthy habits and the percentage of obesity in Spain according the communities.
The cause of obesity are a bad diet, genetic factors, not exercise and the family environment. For other band the consequences of obesity are cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, type 2 diabetes, anxiety, depression and a very low quality life. The responsibles are principale the family with a 73%, then other factors with a 10'5% that include the illness, like diabetes, the TV a 6'8% that include the media and the advertisments, the goverment have the 5% and finally the surounding, like friends have 0'1% and the teachers with 1%.
The autonomous communities with the highest percentage of obesity in Spain are: GALICIA, ASTURIAS and ANDALUCIA.
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