PROJECT #2: Digital storytelling 📖


This week we have to make a digital storytelling 📖. We decide to make our story about the diversity families.👪

We choose this topic because nowadays the families are starting to change and in the future we will found diference types of families in our classes, so we need to start knowing the new types of family and get material to bring to our children for they feel identified with any of them.

For make the storytelling, first we create a story for infantile children. Then we download some picture of the Internet, we edit with the programme Gimp to eliminated the background, and finally with the programme PowerPoint we recreated the story. For the audio we record our voice telling the story.

You can see our digital storytelling, 👉HERE 👈🙈🙉🙊

We have had the opportunity to execute this project with children of 7 and 8 years (PROJECT 5), where they have carried out a seires of activities together with the visualisation of the video. We have realise that children are surprised to know the different types of family that exist. Therefore this topic is very important to work with children to normalize this type of families.

Evaluation ✔

Our classmates have evaluate us and say that the story is too short and not original, so probably our story is short but we do in this way because we think this longer is ideal for infantile children. Furthermore it's true that the entonation isn't good because was in the same level all the time.
Other things positives are that the audio and the video are correct, and the topic of the storytelling was adequate nowadays because of the changes  that are producing on families.
